Tale of Stone Soup(Decodable Explorers Fiction A-Skill Set 7)

Sale price$47.00


Publisher: Flying Start Books
Series: Red Rocket Readers: Decodable Explorers
Skill Set:
  • Skill Set 7: long a, long e, long I, long o
  • Focus Skills: long a (a, a_e, ai, ay, ea), suffixes: -ed, -y, -er
  • Tricky Word: garden hungry knocked one soup tastier vegetables young
Phonic Phase: 3
Reading Recovery Level:
Author: Pam Holden
Illustrated by: Kelvin Hawley
Text type: Fiction

ISBN: 9781776934003

The man in this story was very hungry because he had been lost in the forest with no food. He asked a woman to give him some food, but she was too mean to share. The young man played a clever trick on the mean woman, and they both had a good dinner.

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