The Jungle Green Jalopy- Jille Books

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Written by Jill Eggleton

ISBN: 978-1-98-8576060

The Jungle Green Jalopy is a picture book text delightfully illustrated by John Bennett. Jill Eggleton delivers another fun quirky story in which an eccentric woman has a fondness for an old out of date car. Will she bow to social pressure and buy something more modern?

Ziggy bought a new car. It was a jungle green jalopy. Carlo said it was a ratty, rusty, rowdy car but Ziggy thought it was a hippy, hoppy, happy car.
Ziggy went chugging around town, but her jungle green jalopy went wibble, wibble, wobble all by itself, and sometimes it made other noises!

Including free audio file of the author reading the story

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