With over 20 years of literacy leadership, the extensive work of Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell has coalesced into Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™: a comprehensive, systematic design for high-impact literacy instruction. Transformative professional development underpins Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™—insightful Assessment, effective Intervention, practical Professional Books, and essential Classroom Resources—to redefine and elevate literacy teaching and learning.
The Benchmark Assessment Systems are accurate and reliable tools to identify the instructional and independent reading levels of all students and document student progress through one-on-one formative and summative assessments.
Classroom Resources
Classroom Resources maximize student learning with systematic lessons, student books and materials, and powerful tools that guide teachers’ language and actions and support them in expert decision making for high-impact literacy instruction.
Leveled Literacy Interventionis a short-term, supplementary intervention proven to improve literacy achievement of struggling readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.
Professional Books
Professional Books empower teachers with highly effective instructional procedures and the latest in literacy thinking to elevate their expertise and help build a community of skillful, informed educators.
Professional Development
Professional Development offers options and opportunities to further develop the teaching craft and foster a climate of collegiality and community through School-Based Seminars, Multi-Day Institutes, and Live Webinars.