Boy:Tales of Childhood(Puffin UK)PB

Sale price$84.00


Publisher: Puffin
Published: 2016
Format: Paperback
Page: 256
Author: Rolad Dahl
Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
Reading Ages: 7+
Reading Recovery Level:
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780141365534

Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World's NUMBER ONE Storyteller!
BOY, Roald Dahl's bestselling autobiography, is full of hilarious anecdotes about his childhood and school days, illustrated by Quentin Blake.

As a boy, all sorts of unusual things happened to Roald Dahl. There was the time he and four school friends got their revenge on beastly Mrs Prachett in her sweet shop.
There are stories of holidays in fishing boats, African adventures and the days of tasting chocolate for Cadbury's.
You'll hear tales of horrible school bullies and the motor-car accident when Roald's nose was nearly sliced clean off . . .
Roald Dahl vividly shares his memories; some are funny. Some are painful. Some are unpleasant. All are true.

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