San the Firefighter Big Book

Sale price$298.00


Publisher: Origo Education
Series: Origo Big Book for Mathematics
Author: James Burnett, Beth Lewis
Illustrator: Kelly Rowe
Text Type: Fiction/ Concept: Comparing 3 objects
Level: Pre-K
Dimensions: 33 x 43 cms
Pages: 17
ISBN: 9781925168099

ORIGO Big Books are engaging large-format math storybooks designed to develop and reinforce mathematical language and understanding by stimulating discussion on specific concepts from the Pre-K to Grade 2 core curriculum.

All titles in Pre-K set

Title Mathematical Concept
Peter Piper Addition and Subtraction
Which Floor Please? Number and Relative Position
I Think I’ll Go Flying Positional Language
Buster the Balloon Comparing Two Objects
Caty The Caterpillar Time and Sequencing
How Many Animals? Counting to 5
Polly Loves Puzzles Counting up to 10 Objects
Stan The Firefighter Comparing 3 Objects
The Racing Horses Ordinal Numbers
The Same Game Sorting
Parker’s Patterns Repeating Patterns
Look and See 3D Objects


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