The Case of the Food Fight (GR Level M)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: James Preller
Illustrated by: Jamie Smith
Guide Reading Level(US): M
Reading Recovery Level: 22
Lexile: 390L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780439678070

Looking for intriguing mysteries, great friendship stories, and quality chapter books for beginning readers? Look no further: Jigsaw and Mila are the best detectives on the market!

FOOD FIGHT! When someone starts a food fight in the school cafeteria, everyone points a finger at Joey Pignattano, notorious milk-snorter and all-around gross-out. But Jigsaw knows Joey has a good heart. Joey would never throw food he could eat instead!

Now Jigsaw has only twenty-four hours to clear Joey's name before the evidence gets mopped up--and Joey gets permanently banned from the school cafeteria! Luckily, no case is too big---or too messy---for Jigsaw Jones and his partner Mila Yeh, the best detectives in the second grade!

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