Detective LaRue: Letters from the Investigation (GR Level N)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Mark Teague
Illustrated by: Mark Teague
Guide Reading Level(US): N
Reading Recovery Level: 23
Lexile: AD950L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780545347273

 Ike LaRue, the devilish dog hero of Mark Teague's runaway hit, Dear Mrs. LaRue, goes from obedience school dropout to shrewd sleuth in this exceedingly funny sequel.

Ike is now in prison! The Hibbins' cats are missing, and Ike is being blamed. With Mrs. LaRue vacationing in France, he must take matters into his own paws and mount an investigation to prove his innocence. Expect more madcap comedy in Ike's daring escapades (both real and imagined), as well as ingenious split-screen visuals from the incomparable Mark Teague.

"Teague's innovative approach to storytelling is fun, but educational as well, skillfully imparting some valuable lessons in point of view and reading between the lines." - Kirkus Reviews, August 15th, 2004

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