Today Is Monday (GR Level E)

Sale price$76.00


Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Eric Carle
Illustrated by: Eric Carle
Guide Reading Level(US): E
Reading Recovery Level: 7-8
Lexile: NP
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780590459082

This colorful, oversized interpretation of a favorite cumulative song invites preschoolers to recognize and remember animals, favorite foods, and the days of the week all at once. Each large spread features a different animal enjoying a tasty meal: a porcupine with Monday's string beans; a snake with Tuesday's spaghetti; an elephant with Wednesday's "ZOOOOP"...right up to a monkey with Sunday's ice-cream treat. In an apt finale, a diverse group of kids gathers around a big table to feast on all the foods mentioned - the perfect response to the lyric "all you hungry children...come and eat it up!"

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