Missing May (GR Level W)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by:
Guide Reading Level(US): W
Reading Recovery Level: 32
Lexile: 980L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780439613835

When May dies suddenly while gardening, Summer assumes she'll never see her beloved aunt again. But then Summer's Uncle Ob claims that May is on her way back - she has sent a sign from the spirit world. Summer isn't sure she believes in the spirit world, but her quirky classmate Cletus Underwood - who befriends Ob during his time of mourning - does. So at Cletus' suggestion, Ob and Summer (with Cletus in tow) set off in search of Miriam B. Young, Small Medium at Large, whom they hope will explain May's departure and confirm her possible return.

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