The Adventures of Ulysses (GR Level W)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Bernard Evslin 
Illustrated by: William Hunter
Guide Reading Level(US): W
Reading Recovery Level: 32
Lexile: 860L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780590425995

As commander of the Greek forces, Ulysses conquers Troy. And then he and his men embark upon a glorious journey home, unaware that they have angered the gods. Their journey will last for ten long years, and will be riddled with more perils than the imagination can conceive.

They encounter the Cyclops, a huge, one-eyed monster, who makes meals of men. Then Circe, the beautiful sorceress, who turns men into pigs. And Scylla and Charybdis, nightmarish creatures, who will crush anyone who dares cross their path.

Ulysses and his men keep to their tortured course, determined to reach the shores of home. But it is at home where they will have to fight the fiercest battle of all.

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