How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow?(PB)

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Publisher: Scholastic
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
Author:  Wendell Minor
Illustrated by:  Wendell Minor
Guide Reading Level(US): K
RRL: 19-20
Lexile: AD630L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780545765848

Every year, pumpkin contests take place at fairs across the country; the 2012 record-holder weighed over a ton! The latest craze is to carve the most enormous pumpkins into racing boats. What's next? Why not think really big?

Award-winning artist Wendell Minor does just that as he imagines larger-than-life pumpkins sprouting in some of America's favorite places: pumpkins as immense as the Capitol dome, Mount Rushmore, the Brooklyn Bridge, and even the Grand Canyon!

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