I Can Change the World ... with the Turn of a Tap(I’m a Little Scientist Set 3)PB

Sale price$49.00


Publisher:  World Science Education
Series:  I’m a Little Scientist Set 3
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Format: Paperback(Full-coloured) 
Author:  Ronald Chan
Illustrated By: Yeewearn
Reading Ages: 3-8
Pages:   32
Genre: Fiction
ISBN:  9789811257483

Wendy and Sarah were preparing to go to school when they got into a tiff in the bathroom. What did they disagree about? And why did it matter? Follow Wendy and Sarah as they explore how one little action from them could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.

Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.

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