Dive! A Book of Deep-Sea Creatures(GR Level M)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Melvin H. Berger
Illustrated by:
Guide Reading Level(US): M
Reading Recovery Level: 22
Lexile: 610L
Text type: Non Fiction
ISBN: 9780439579407


How giant is the giant squid? How do fish see in the darkness of the ocean floor? These questions and more are answered in this non-fiction book filled with spectacular color photographs.

Did you know that an octopus can grow a new arm if it loses one? Or that the giant squid can grow longer than a city bus? Written by renowned non-fiction author Melvin Berger, this Hello Reader! Science book provides fascinating information and fun facts about these remarkable creatures of the deep. From glowing angler fish to big-mouthed gulper eels, each spread features brilliant, full-color photographs. The accessible text and fabulous photos combine to make this a perfect introduction to a mysterious underwater world.

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