Key Links Turquoise - Fluency: 12 books
Reading Recovery Levels: 17-18
- Increases the challenge in the verbal and visual text
- Informs and engages readers
- Continues to focus on building comprehension and oral language strategies and skills
Has a NEW focus on text/genre forms through:
- Partner Prattle - thinking and talking about text forms
- Going Solo - using a memorable graphic organizers to gather ideas
- Making a Choice(Narrative)
- Adventure in the Desert(Narrative)
- Saving Pop(Personal Narrative)
- Dad's Place(Personal Narrative)
- Race to the Finish(Informational Explanation)
- Hunting for Treasure(Informational Explanation)
- The Hoatzin Bird(Informational Explanation)
- Different Villages(Informational Explanation)
- World Pictures(Description)
- The People of Hickory Street(Description)
- A Sneak Peek Into Dylan's Diary(Diary)
- Views on the News(Persuasive Argument)